Sue Schmidt Hinkle

Profile Updated: January 2, 2024
Residing In: Florence, KY USA
Spouse/Partner: William S. Hinkle
Tell us about your Children: Sarah June, DOB 2011.01.18 ~
Sarah is currently in 6th grade. She is active on the Hammerheads swim More…team and in American Heritage Girls. She takes horseback riding lessons in the spring and fall.
Current occupation: Currently a Stay-at-home-Mommy and over-extended volunteer
From which Grade School did you graduate:

Blessed Sacrament

Do you have a favorite school story? Funny memory? This can be used for anything you'd like to share.

I vividly remember how overwhelming high school was compared to Blessed Sacrament grade school. On my first day, as I was rushing up the (left side of the) stairs between classes, a Senior (who, as it turned out, was the ACOSA President) sternly instructed me, "Keep to the right!" Believe me, I never forgot that!

Also on my first day, as I entered Clothing class with Sr. Althea, she greeted me with, "Oh, my! You must be Mary Ellen's daughter!" I couldn't believe that, not only did I have the same teacher my Mom did 20+ years earlier, but that she recognized me as Mom's daughter!

I have great musical memories...singing with the Triple Trio and Discords during Senior year, doing choreography in 4" heals, the silky dusty rose blouse with the big floppy bow and gray skirt and vest... practicing our "Father and Son" duet with Ralph Orcutt in the tuba closet and getting busted by Mr. Hahn... glorious 8-part harmony of "O Holy Night" with chorus, especially the "fall on your knees" part...

My passion, though, was Journalism and Publications. This journey started by wanting to follow in my Mom's footsteps. It was her favorite class, too. I loved writing, editing, layout, keylining... everything about working on the newspaper and yearbook. It was thrilling to be part of the team that exposed the cafeteria food service for selling expired food to us students in the vending machines. We once published the results of an Aquinas basketball game before the Tribune did because we went to press a couple hours earlier than they did.

We took great pride in being able to produce a deluxe edition of the yearbook as the Golden graduating class. We were able to have more pages because we saved money by doing all the keylining (which proved to be more work than we anticipated). I am, however, haunted by one error on the final page of our Senior yearbook. It is a poem I had written that I wanted to print as flush right, ragged left but the printer set it flush left. So, I sliced each line carefully and re-"flushed" it and in the process, swapped two lines, rendering the middle of the poem nonsensical.

I will always be grateful to Mrs. Bonnie Pickett for her friendship and tutelage. She instilled in me a passion that carried me 25 years into the workforce. She also had tough conversations with me about taking responsibility and meeting deadlines. Those project management skills have been transferable to every job I've held since then.

What have you been up to since you graduated?

After high school, I attempted college for Nursing but 3 years and thousands of dollars later, I decided it wasn't my thing. In the meantime, I had been following my love of journalism and was working 60 hours per week at the college newspaper, The Minnesota Daily. I segued from that experience into the printing industry where I worked for 25 years, primarily in purchasing and management.

I did return to college (at night) in 2000 and earned my BA in Management and Psychology in 2004. It was a much more enjoyable experience this time so I continued on, earning my MBA in 2009.

Residence-wise, I lived in Winona, MN for my first year of college; Minneapolis/St. Paul area for 9 years; and Milwaukee, WI for 17 years before landing in the Cincinnati, OH area in 2006.

Once in Ohio, I left the ever-changing printing industry for the healthcare industry and have worked as a Senior Business Process Analyst and a Director of Project Implementation and Process Improvement.

I always thought marrying one's best friend was a trite cliché but changed my mind after finally finding my soul mate in Cincinnati. (The whole courtship story is quite interesting so remind me to tell you at the reunion.) We were married in a small, candle-light ceremony on 2008.12.12@20:08. Through prayers, science and the help of several highly paid professionals, we welcomed Sarah June into our little family on 2011.01.18. (Funny side story: I received both my AARP card and a maternity catalog in the mail on the same day.) I'm sure raising a child would have been a lot easier 20-30 years ago but I wouldn't trade my life for a million dollars. She is a joy and a blessing and my husband is a wonderful Daddy. While most of my classmates are retiring and becoming empty-nesters and grandparents, I am blessed to be a Stay-at-home Mom.

Tell us about any Grandchildren:

Hopefully, it will be 20 years or so before I have any grandchildren!

Tell us about your Parents:

Sadly, I lost my dear Mom (Mary Ellen Nontelle Schmidt, class of 1955) to lung cancer in 2006. She was diagnosed January 1st with a 7-10 month prognosis. I sold my house and quit my job to be able to spend time with her and I am so glad I did. She died a mere 4-1/2 months later on Mother's Day, 2006.05.14. It was then that I moved to Cincinnati to live with my sister since I was technically homeless and unemployed! I miss Mom every day and wish she could've met Will and Sarah.

My Dad Rudy (class of 1954) passed away April 9, 2020 of congestive heart failure. I was able to spend some time with him just as the pandemic was getting underway and was with him when he passed. My sister Jeanne (class of 1979) and I spent the summer there processing his estate and selling the house, as well as his motorhome, '57 Chevy Bel Aire and 1931 Chevy Model A.

Have you changed careers over time?

I was in the printing business for nearly 25 years, primarily in either management or purchasing. Most recently I had been in the Health Care Insurance industry. One constant theme, however, has been Process Improvement. That's been a life-long passion of mine, living out the 4-H theme: To Make the Best Better.

How did you meet your spouse or partner?

On a not-so-blind date on May 29, 2007, I met the man who is now my husband – William Smith Hinkle. We were introduced by my sister’s hairdresser who had heard me whining about all the weirdos I had met through online dating. Her husband worked with William and she thought I might be interested since “smart and funny” were my top two criteria. (He is both, by the way!)

We had a wonderful four-hour first date and didn’t want the evening to end but agreed that we were not aligned to continue dating. I was “churchy” and he wasn’t. He was 10 years younger than I was and still hoped to have kids. We agreed to be friends and to continue our search for soul mates.

If I could sum up the next 17 months in one word, it would be “conflicted.” William and I continued to spend time together and definitely became best friends. Sometimes it felt like we were a couple but not in an outwardly traditional sense. I was in love with him but he never used the “L” word to me.

In September 2008, I start dating a gentleman and as we grew closer I eventually felt I needed to tell William about the relationship. He was caught off guard and apparently devastated. One week later he surprised me with a romantic dinner, roses and the announcement that he didn’t want to move on without me. It was everything I had hope and prayed for since I fell in love with him. The following week (after I had the chance to break it off with the other guy) he gave me a beautiful engagement ring with the sweetest proposal.

Seven weeks later I donned my Mom’s wedding dress and married my best friend. It was an intimate candlelight ceremony surrounded by immediate family and a few close friends.

What hobbies or interests do you enjoy?

I enjoy computer work, event planning, and volunteering for Sarah's activities. We bought a pop-up camper in the summer of 2021 so we're looking forward to getting outdoors more often.

Where have you traveled (for work or pleasure)?

As a member of a Printing Association for many years, I was able to travel for the annual convention: Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Des Moines, IA; Buffalo, NY; Chicago, IL; Jacksonville, FL; Montreal, Quebec, Canada; St. Louis, MO; Rochester, NY; Seattle, WA; Reno, NV; Albuquerque, NM; Los Angeles, CA; and finally an inside passage Alaskan cruise.

What hobbies or interests does your spouse or partner enjoy?

Photography, selling things on eBay, entertaining friends, computers, watching SciFi, online gaming. He is also a very talented artist but doesn't usually have time to do any.

Of what accomplishments or adventures are you most proud?

* Returning to school as an adult.
* Having Sarah at age 50!

What items are on your Bucket List?

Trips to Hawaii, Ireland and New Zealand some day (but not in the same trip!). I would also like to do the Alaskan inside passage cruise again, this time with my husband. I have so many great memories of camping out West; I look forward to taking Will and Sarah to see the Rocky Mountains.

Tell us about your spiritual journey since our Catholic education:

After high school, I pretty much took a self-imposed 18 year hiatus from the church. Not because I had any issues with it, but because no one was "making" me go any more and there always seemed to be something "better" to do on Sundays. When life got challenging, I would return with my hand out for an extra dose of Grace but would quickly resume my secular routine when things normalized again.

I returned to the church in my 30s and have enjoyed many small group bible studies and prayer groups, including Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) several times. I am active in my church as a Lector and Eucharistic Minister.

What are your retirement plans?

Relax and travel.

2013 Highlights and/or Christmas Letter:

From the Hinkles

Dear Family and Friends ~

We hope this holiday season finds you all well.

Sarah, the light of our lives, continues to blossom into a spunky, energetic, funny, sweet, joyful little girl. She loves our cat Sofie, her Kindle Fire & Netflix, cars & trains, dragons & dinosaurs and now also has several imaginary robot friends. She has been home with Mommy all year (for the most part) and they are great buddies. We are still working on potty training but are hopeful for success in the New Year.

We were blessed to welcome a new niece this year; William’s sister Millie gave birth to Ava Rose on May 3rd. We can sure see the family resemblance in her cute little face. It was a joy to see the mutual admiration the little cousins had for each other this summer when we visited Clyde, OH for William’s 25th class reunion.

We traveled back to Wisconsin several times this year, including a trip in July to celebrate the very full life of Great Grandma Marty Nontelle. Grandma died on July 4th, just 22 days before her 100th birthday. We are grateful for the time we had with her and the wisdom she leaves behind.

In his career as Senior Web Middleware Engineer at Vantiv, William is often sought out as an expert trouble-shooter, even in situations which are not part of his normal areas of expertise.

Sue stayed busy in the first half of the year as Co-Spiritual Director for St. Tim’s Christ Renews His Parish program. After the retreat weekend in May, she turned her focus to helping organize her 35th class reunion, including building a website to reconnect classmates in advance. The reunion brought us back to Wisconsin again and was a big success.

That vacation, however, was interrupted with a surprise medical emergency for Sue. Struck with sudden drop-to-your-knees pain, she went by ambulance to the hospital in LaCrosse and had surgery to repair a perforated duodenal ulcer. Recovery (and complications) turned into a 14-day hospital stay. Daddy and Sarah stayed an extra week in Wisconsin but then returned to Kentucky without Mommy. Sue spent her 53rd birthday at Papa Rudy’s and then flew home that following Saturday. Recovery at home included a wound vac for 2 months, home nursing visits and many doctor appointments. It also meant Sarah’s return to full-time “school” at Rainbow Child Care for a few months and that Daddy had to be caretaker/housekeeper in addition to being the full-time provider.

We were incredibly blessed with the help of many friends during this time. Sarah was able to go to Sue Ann (Mitley)’s Play House in LaCrosse while Mommy was in the hospital. Sue’s sister Jeanne even made a special trip to Wisconsin to help. Papa Rudy was a good caretaker during post-hospital recovery. Back home, we gratefully welcomed meals every other night for more than a month, delivered by neighbors and church friends. And of course, we are grateful for the many prayers.

Happily, Sue is back to 100% physically and has recently started a new part-time career as an adjunct instructor at Brown Mackie College. This month she is teaching Introduction to Business and hopes to be asked back to teach again next month.

In other news, we participated in Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University at St. Tim’s this fall. Though we were already doing most of what Dave advises, the experience was eye-opening. We’re now trying to adopt a simpler life-style and focus on what is truly important in life: family, friends and making memories – not stuff.

We’re grateful for all our family and friends and hope you have a joyous holiday season and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

William, Sue and Sarah Hinkle

Goals and/or Resolutions for 2014:

* Spend more personal quiet time in prayer.
* Get back to the YMCA, now that I'm fully recovered.
* Continue to make progress with "A place for everything and everything in its place" with the goal of always having the house acceptable for drop-in visitors.
* Continue to fine-tune the personal budget process; pay down student loans.
* Be a better steward of my time, including limiting screen time.
* Officially launch my consulting business.

2016: Do you have any news to share since the reunion in 2013? Any weddings, graduations, degrees, births, deaths, vacations, etc.?

From The Hinkles

Dear Family and Friends ~

We hope this holiday season again finds you all healthy, wealthy, and wise. This year was rather uneventful, which is probably a good thing.
As parents of an only child, our world is obviously Sarah-centric. In August, she started Kindergarten at Erpenbeck Elementary and loves it. Her favorite part, she says, is the bus! We’re grateful for the afternoon schedule which allows for leisurely Mommy-Sarah mornings but know we will eventually have to adapt once she has full-day school next year for first grade. Sarah still enjoys her imaginative play, pretending to be (or ride) dinosaurs, dragons, horses or alacorns but is also a girly-girl who likes nail polish, lip gloss and fancy, stylish clothes.

Sarah continued private swim lessons this year and earned her green band by summer. This allows her to go anywhere in the pool without parental supervision. We spent several days this summer at the outdoor pool where Sarah repeatedly went down the water slide. We hope to have her continue fine-tuning her strokes so she can try out for the summer swim team. She had a few sessions of dance, gymnastics and art this year but swimming is her strong suit.

This fall Sarah (and Sue) joined the American Heritage Girls troop at St. Timothy’s. AHG is a Christian character development organization whose mission is “building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.” Sarah is a Pathfinder with other 5-year olds and Sue is serving as Vice Troop Coordinator. The troop serves girls through age 18.

William returned to Vantiv as a full time employee last December after having worked for them as a contractor for 18 months. Though they did build a team to help him, there is still plenty to do and recent projects have involved many day-long conference calls. Thankfully, he is able to work from home most days since his team is in Denver. We are converting our former master bedroom to an office so he will have a more private setting. We are very grateful that his position allows Sue to stay home with Sarah.

This was Sue’s first full year as a stay-at-home-Mommy without an outside job or income. She enjoyed her two years as an Adjunct Instructor teaching business courses at Brown Mackie College but the campus closed last year. She is keeping her eyes open for an online adjunct position with alma mater, Ottawa University. For now, it’s been a blessing to have Sarah as her full-time job. Sue has been volunteering with the PTA and in Sarah’s classroom twice a week, primarily to help the 19 students practice their sight words. As time allows, she also enjoys spending time with two different prayer groups.

We are very grateful for all our family and friends and their love and support. We hope you have a joyous holiday season and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

William, Sue and Sarah Hinkle

Are you planning to attend our 40th Reunion in 2018? What suggestions or requests do you have regarding the format, venue, cost, etc.?

The Hinkles will be there!

What were the highlights of 2017 for you and your family?

From The Hinkles

Dear Family and Friends ~

We hope this holiday season again finds you all healthy, wealthy, and wise. This year most certainly had its highs and lows but overall we are grateful, especially for family.

Our New Year started with the lowest of lows when William’s mother June Carol Chafin Hinkle passed away on January 9th suddenly and unexpectedly. Many extended family members recounted tales of June’s gracious hospitality, always welcoming people into her home and always being ready to feed them. She has been greatly missed this year and Christmas without her will be difficult. She really loved showering her children and grandchildren with gifts. Over the years, she collected elephants of all sizes. In her honor, this Christmas we will be adopting/sponsoring a pair of elephants through the World Wildlife Fund.

On a happier note, we ventured to Orlando in May with William’s brother Joe, sister Millie and our nieces Samantha and Ava to celebrate Samantha’s high school graduation. Sue’s sister Jeanne and nephew AJ joined us at our rental condo where Sarah loved having our very own swimming pool. At the Magic Kingdom, Sarah and her cousins enjoyed breakfast at the castle with several princesses. Our favorite park was Universal Studios followed by Epcot and we hope to go back again someday. We did enjoy some down time, too, just hanging around the condo.

Over the summer, Sarah was active with horses, swimming and camp. She “bought” several riding lessons with chips she has earned for doing chores around the house. Sarah learned how to put the tack on her pony Calvin, how to mount, walk and “post” and how to brush him before and after each ride.

She also swam with the Hammerheads Swim Team through the Florence Aquatic Center and competed in several meets. She continues to work on her technique through swim lessons and looks forward to also being on the dive team next summer.

Sarah experienced her first overnight at the YMCA Camp Ernst in August and enjoyed an action-packed day of horseback riding, swimming, zip lining, ropes course, campfires, S’mores and sleeping in the top bunk. She has been back twice for short stays and will be there for a full week next July. Her favorite part was receiving a letter from home!

Sarah is now in First Grade and again has a wonderful teacher. Though she likes it now, after the first week she complained that “it takes so long to be done!” Full days, apparently, are substantially harder than half days.
Now as a Tenderheart in American Heritage Girls, Sarah is excited to be able to earn badges. So far she has earned the Hiking, Creative Crafts, Kid Care and Swimming badges and has started working on Cake Decorating, Ancestor Detector and Fishing badges.

As for us, life is status quo: William is still at Vantiv and Sue is still a homemaker/volunteer. We are very grateful for all our family and friends and their love and support. We hope you have a joyous holiday season and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

William, Sue and Sarah Hinkle

What were the highlights of 2018 for you and your family?

From The Hinkles

Dear Family and Friends ~

Greetings from Kentucky! We hope this letter finds you and your family well. It’s been another busy year and we are looking forward to (hopefully) relaxing over this holiday season.

Sarah has grown by leaps and bounds, both physically and emotionally. We credit karate for much of her maturing; we saw a noticeable difference in her confidence, concentration and discipline right away after she started in February. She can attend class up to 4 times per week which is a great way for her to burn off some of her abundant energy.

In March Sarah resumed horsemanship lessons but this time at YMCA’s Camp Ernst which is much more relaxed than the competitive dressage style she learned last summer. She is very comfortable on the ranch, both in the saddle and in the barn, with hopes to someday work there as a Rangler! Lessons will start again in April in their newly upgraded arena.

She swam with the Hammerheads Swim Team again this summer and impressed us with her determination. Though her daily practice attitude was more playful, she brought her best effort for meets and finished in first place out of 40 girls her age for the 25 meter Free Style event at the All Star Meet!

Sarah again has a wonderful teacher and is doing well in Second Grade. She is strong in math and is reading at a third grade level.

Sue has not been volunteering in the classroom as much this year but recently finished the process of becoming a Certified Substitute Teacher for Boone County Schools.

More than half of 2018 was spent planning high school class reunions. Sue’s 40th was in LaCrosse, WI in July; she had two Aquinas High School classmates helping and had done a lot of work for the 35th so the workload wasn’t too bad.

William’s 30th, however, was planned from the ground up including venue selection, website development, tracking down classmates, mailing invitations, creating mugs and t-shirts, customized split-the-pot tokens, logo-shaped cookies, movie and music trivia and name badges featuring images of ‘80s icons. All of William’s hard work paid off in August when Clyde High School classmates gathered at the Kalahari in Sandusky to celebrate and reminisce.

This is Sarah’s and Sue’s third year in American Heritage Girls. Although Sue loved being the Troop Coordinator last year, she is enjoying her lesser commitment role this year as Registrar. At Family Camp in June, Sarah went zip lining, canoeing, and fishing and earned her fishing badge. This summer, we surprised Sarah with the chance to meet her Illinois penpal. The girls hit it off, saw each other again in November and are sure to be life-long friends.

Saving the best for last… The highlight of our year is celebrating our TENTH wedding anniversary on December 12th. We are heading to William’s alma mater Cornell University in Ithaca, NY for a few days with stops at Niagara Falls and the Corning Museum. Special thanks to Aunt Jeanne for watching Sarah while we are gone.

We hope this season is filled with peace, joy and love of family and we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

William, Sue and Sarah June Hinkle

What were the highlights of 2019 for you and your family?

From The Hinkles

Dear Family and Friends ~

Greetings from Kentucky! We hope this letter finds you and your family well. Here are the highlights of our year, starting with Sarah’s:
* Made her First Communion at St. Timothy’s
* Swam with Hammerheads for the third year and competed in the Championship meet.
* Continued horsemanship lessons and spent a week at YMCA Camp Ernst where she met “Buttons.”
* Started Third Grade in August, is reading at a 4th
grade level, is exceling in math and enjoys the “Girls Who Code” club.
* Progressed in Taekwondo and mastered her “Dragon Form One” kata. Sadly, her school closed this fall and we haven’t yet found an alternative dojo.
* Enjoys earning badges and doing service projects with her American Heritage Girls troop for her fourth year.

And for the Hinkle grown-up highlights:
* Sue was recognized as the National Volunteer of the Year for American Heritage Girls and has been substitute teaching at Sarah’s school.
* William accepted a managerial position, leading his technical team at his company which was purchased by FIS this summer.

We hope this holiday season is filled with peace, joy and love and we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

William, Sue and Sarah June Hinkle

What were the highlights of 2020 for you and your family?

2020 Hinkle Highlights

Greetings from Kentucky! We hope this finds you safe and healthy.

As it did for everyone, the pandemic threw us a curveball this year but we've adapted and focused on the blessings. Although we erred on the side of caution - cutting back on dining out, socializing, karate, swim team and horse lessons - Sue and Sarah have safely continued with American Heritage Girls for our fifth year, meeting primarily via Zoom. With more time at home, Sarah has become a voracious reader.

Sue's dad Rudy passed away on April 9th and was reunited in heaven with his dear Mary Ellen after 14 long years. W were blessed to be able to say our goodbyes and have an intimate funeral service. These days we smile more than cry knowing he lived a good life and is finally out of pain.

"Non-Traditional Instruction" was a challenge in the beginning but Sarah has adapted quite well. She will be at home learning virtually for all of her 4th grade year but she does get out occasionally. We were able to bring home Sue's childhood piano this summer and Sarah has started lessons.

Staying Healthy at Home has given us quality time together and there is a lot of love in our little family. We celebrated our 12th anniversary on 12/12 and Sarah joined us on our get-away weekend in a cottage at a nearby state park. Sarah's elf Sandy returned for the 9th year and has recruited the polar bear Snowflake to share in the adventures this year. Their antics bring us lots of joy and certainly help keep things light.

We hope your world is filled with peace, joy and love of family in this holiday season and we wish you good health and prosperity in 2021.

William, Sue and Sarah June Hinkle

What were the highlights of 2021 for you and your family?

This year has been a gradual return to normalcy, thanks to vaccines. Sarah completed her entire 4th grade year remotely at home and then was glad to return to in-person learning for 5th grade. She is also happy that our American Heritage Girls meetings can be in person; Zoom meetings were not as fun.

This summer Sarah was on the Hammerheads' swim and dive team and is now also a YMCA Barracuda. This year-round team practices four times each week which has helped her continually drop time on events.

If this year had a theme, it would be "camping." Sarah attended a wildlife conservation camp for a week in June and enjoyed fishing, archery, and shooting sports. Sue and Sarah attended AHG Camp in August where SJ worked on badges and even tried ax throwing! As a family, we went tent camping in July with friends and stayed in a rustic cabin for Family Camp at Camp Ernst in September.

But our big news... we bought a CAMPER! It's a 2021 Forest River Flagstaff 228SE pop-up trailer with King and Queen beds, slide-out dinette, shower/toilet, fridge, stove, solar panels, and WiFi booster. William added a TV, microwave, back-up camera, and load-balancing tow bars. We took it out 3 times to different Kentucky State Parks before we had to winterize but look forward to many trips next year, maybe even out West!

We wish everyone a joyous Christmas and healthy 2022.

~ William, Sue, and Sarah June Hinkle ~

What's on your bucket list for 2022 and beyond?

Venturing out in our camper to explore Kentucky State Parks whenever Sarah does not have a swim meet.

Getting my head around raising a smart and sassy tween girl who will start middle school in August!

What were the highlights of 2022 for you and your family?

2022 Christmas Card:

Life has been busy this year and the pandemic’s slower pace is now just a memory. Sarah transitioned well to the faster pace of middle school where she has 6 different teachers and changes classes every 67 minutes. Her favorite class is Band and she is really getting good at playing her baritone. She has also enjoyed summer swim team, American Heritage Girls and the YMCA Leader’s Club. We “almost” adopted a Husky this fall (Sarah’s favorite breed) but the timing and circumstances weren’t right. Instead we settle for fostering Aunt Jeanne’s goldendoodle Simba when Jeanne travels. Sheldon is okay with it but Penny would prefer a cats-only home.

William was promoted at FIS to manager of the North American Development Team for their custom SSO solution. He is grateful for his dedicated direct reports and the thoughtful mentoring from his own manager. He was able to break away from work for several camping trips where we did some fishing, went on cave tours, and hung out with family and friends by the campfire. William made several repairs and upgrades to the camper including adding side cameras, repairing the winch and replacing the frayed aircraft cable that raises the roof. His determination and YouTube training saved us the cost of outsourcing the repair.

Speaking of saving money, we added solar panels to our roof this summer! Our first month’s electric bill after net metering was $11.99 rather than the usual $200 so the investment will certainly pay off in the long term.

Well, those are the highlights. We wish everyone a joyous Christmas and healthy 2023.

~ William, Sue, and Sarah June Hinkle ~

What were the highlights of 2023 for you and your family?

2023 Christmas Card:

SARAH... got braces last December * went to Orlando for her birthday in January with Aunt Jeanne * took ice skating lessons and performed in a show in April * is in her 8th year with American Heritage Girls and leveled up to Pioneer in May * tent camped with the troop in April and October * swam for the 6th seasons with the Hammerheads summer team * is doing well in 7th grade * plays tuba and saxophone in the school band * tried Cross Country but wasn't a fan * is practicing with the high school dive team and aspires to qualify to compete * is in her third year of YMCA Leaders' Club * loves to draw and is very talented.

SUE… still enjoys volunteering for the AHG Troop * started violin lessons in September through the NKU String Project * joined a Women on Weights tonig group at the YMCA.

WILLIAM… coordinated a 35th Reunion Picnic for the Clyde High School Class of 1988 * has been creating many cool things on his 3D printer, including a lighted display base as a proposalversary gift; our 15th is 2023.12.12!

WE ALL… camped at Nolin Lake for a week in May (the cats went, too!) * camped at General Butler with Sarah’s best friend in July and again with both families in September * ventured to Wisconsin in August for a Schmidt Family picnic on Jim’s land * will miss escaping to Herrington Lake but are glad Aunt Jeanne moved back to Cincinnati.

We wish everyone a joyous Christmas and healthy 2024.

~ William, Sue, and Sarah June Hinkle ~

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